a perfect sunset

Before heading off to the gym to try and pound out 5 miles... (I only made it to 3 before exhaustion), I captured this shot of father/son in the backyard. How sweet! The training for the half marathon is WAY behind, and I've already signed up so no backing out now. Wow. It seemed like it wouldn't be SO hard to train for it since I've done a full marathon twice, but I am SO out of shape. I feel like one of those people on the Biggest Loser looking so out of place on a treadmill. I will say that it was easier last night than a couple of weeks ago. I have to do that five miles this weekend for sure. Of course, my goal is to finish, but I'd like to finish with no injury from not training. Ugh, I'm such a procrastinator!

I returned home from the gym last night with Jeff showing off Lucas standing up on his own. Wow! Slow down little man! I'm not ready for you to grow up so fast. Believe me, just having this last year go by so fast really makes me understand why someone would have a baby back-to-back! I wish it was so easy to get pregnant just when you want to, but sometimes it takes longer when you are oldies like Jeff and me. *laugh* Anyway, Jeff was bribing Lucas with some gerber yogurt smoothie treats which he loves. It's so much fun watching the changes almost daily in his personality, etc...

Lucas has 6 teeth! When he smiles he does a little bit of a crossbite and winks both eyes almost like he's learning how to flirt so soon! He points to everything and says several words. I will admit it's hard to understand what he's saying sometimes, but he says "dog" for Jake, Theo, and Pate. He calls me mama and Jeff dada. There are other words and points at things he wants. How fun! He plays peek-a-boo, and he loves for us to read him books. (Cordoroy Goes to the Doctor being his favorite at the moment).

2 thoughts:

Stacey said...

Wow! What an amazing photo!

Courtney and Jason G. said...

This pic is amazing.