love of dogs and pointing

Lucas never ceases to amaze me with his continual growth and personality peeking through. As most know, I have three dogs. I have two that are very old (17 and 13) and a maltese that is 7. Lucas has this knack for crawling toward both Theo and Pate and head butting them, as seen above. Neither of them can move very quickly to get away. Lucas also likes to use them both as a pillow to lay his head on. It's hilarious! I'm sure they don't enjoy it, though, but maybe Theo looks pretty happy above. I videoed Lucas feeding Pate puffs last night. I figure Lucas will never remember these two old dogs, but I'll have the memories.

We went to the doctor yesterday because I wanted the doctor to check out his eye. The doctor suspects eczema but found out Lukie weighs about 19 pounds now. He's just so darn little! Another new thing is that Lucas points to everything. It's amazing watching him grow and communicate more and more with all of us. What a joy!

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